Raúl Siche Jara
Dr. Siche is currently a professor and researcher at the National University of Trujillo, Peru. He is an agroindustrial engineer from the National University of Santa, Peru, with a doctorate in food engineering from the State University of Campinas, Brazil.
He founded the scientific journal Scientia Agropecuaria and has been its Editor-in-Chief since its founding; he indexed the journal in reference databases (SCOPUS, Web of Science, SciELO, and DOAJ, among others). He has published more than 70 scientific articles in indexed journals.
He has won several research competitions, and to date, he has received five grants from CONCYTEC (National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) and one from InnóvatePerú.
In 2015, he was the distinguished Doctor Honoris Causa at the National University of Tumbes. In 2016, he received the award "Vicente Delfín Tizón - Excellence in Engineering" from the Departmental Council of La Libertad of the College of Engineers of Peru.
* In 2019, he received the Elsevier Excellence Award, Northeast Edition 2019: Agricultural Sciences Area. Among his main areas of work are the generation of nondestructive methods using image analysis and the development of biopackaging using waste.
Hector Arturo Ruiz
Dr. Ruiz has been a professor-researcher as part of the faculty of Chemical Sciences at the Autonomous University of Coahuila, and he has been a leader of the group and pilot plants in the Biorefinery of the Food Research Department since 2013.
EDr. Ruiz obtained his doctorate in Chemical Engineering and Biology from the University of Minho, Portugal. His research is based on the development of 2nd- and 3rd-generation biorefineries for the production of biofuels such as bioethanol and high value-added compounds using hydrothermal processes.
He is the author and coauthor of more than 60 articles in indexed journals and 25 chapters in books with international circulation with an H index of 31 (more than 3,000 citations). He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Bioenergy Research published by Springer and Associate Editor of the journal Biotechnology for Biofuels (BioMed Central, part of Springer Nature).
He was the winner of the National Award "Carlos Casas Campillo" that is granted by the Mexican Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering to young professionals under the age of 35 for their contribution to the development of biotechnology or bioengineering in Mexico. He is the editor of the book entitled Hydrothermal Processing in Biorefineries from Springer publishing house and is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
Coralia Osorio Roa
Dr. Osorio is a professor as part of the faculty of Sciences at the National University of Colombia, headquartered in Bogotá. She is a chemist from the National University of Colombia and obtained her M.Sc. and D.Sc. in Chemistry at the same university.
She worked as a researcher in natural product chemistry at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (1998), and was a visiting scientist at the biochemistry laboratory of the University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay (2000), during her doctorate.
Following her doctorate, she had an internship at Braunschweig Technical University, Braunschweig, Germany (2002), and has been a visiting researcher at the Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA (2005), and Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany (2018).
She is an associate editor of the journal ACS Food Science & Technology. Among her main areas of work are the development of value-added products, chemical ecology, aroma chemistry, natural product chemistry, color chemistry and food pigments.
Silvia Grassi
Dr Silvia Grassi is a Research Fellow in Food Science and Technology at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences of the University of Milan (Italy).
She holds a PhD in Technological Innovation for the Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from the University of Milan (2014) and a MSc in Human Nutrition and Food Science from the same University (2010).
Her research deals with the application of the most important sensing techniques (Infrared spectroscopy, imaging, and e-nose), coupled with multivariate data analysis, for food authentication, process, and quality evaluation. She is author of more than 40 publications between papers in international journals and book chapters.
She is Guest Editor for Foods (MDPI) for the Special Issues "Advances in NIR Spectroscopy Analytical Technology in Food Industries", and "Upcycling of Agro-Food Chain By-Products to Obtain High-Added Value Foods". From 2018, she is Elected Member of the Italian Society of NIR Spectroscopy (SISNIR).
Yixiang Xu
Dr. Yixiang Xu is a Professor of Food Science and Principal Investigator of Food Processing and Engineering Laboratory at Virginia State University (VSU). She earned her Ph.D. in Food Science & Technology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States of American.
Her current research interest is in non-thermal processing for food quality, safety and nutrition with a focus on two specific areas: (1) antimicrobial and biodegradable nanocomposite films for food packaging, and (2) non-thermal technologies for development of healthy foods.
She has published over 70 high impacted refereed papers and 4 invited book chapters in the areas of food, nutrition and bioprocess. Her papers have been cited over 3000 times in the past 10 years.
She has been the recipient of numerous research grants with total amount $ 2.0 million from federal and state agencies as well as industry and built enduring and mutually beneficial collaborations with both internal and external partners.
Patricia Esquivel Rodríguez
Dr. Esquivel is professor and researcher at the National Center for Food Science and Technology of the University of Costa Rica. She has a degree in food technology from the University of Costa Rica (1994) a master's degree 2000) and a doctorate (2007) from the University of Hohenheim.
Her main areas of research interest are food chemistry, food and nutrition. She has led different projects framed in the development of processed products for their application in food and cosmetic formulations.
Misael Cortes Rodríguez
Chemical Engineer, PhD. Food Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, with 12 years of industrial experience in the Chemical and Food Industry and 15 years in Teaching and Research; full professor at the National University of Colombia, Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering; Director of the Functional Food Research Group (A1 Group, Minciencias) and Senior Researcher in Minciencias.
Author of 3 patents, 115 articles published in scientific journals and 3 book chapters; he participated in 45 research projects and director of 5 extension projects; he has been director of 42 postgraduate theses in the food area (6 Doctoral Theses and 36 Master's Theses); currently is the director of 12 postgraduate thesis (4 Doctoral Thesis and 8 Master's Thesis)
He was director of 16 final degree undergraduate projects; he has delivered 105 research papers at national and international events; he is a national industry consultant; he is reviewer of research projects, scientific articles from national and international scientific journals and teaching calls from Colombian universities; he is member of editorial and scientific committees of national and international scientific journals. He is the winner of 11 national and international awards and recognitions.
Pablo Juliano
Pablo Juliano is a supply chain transformation leader with strong background in innovation in food processing and food waste recovery. High energy networker across government and industry. He currently leads the Food Processing and Supply Chains Group, which delivers science innovation to the food industry as part of CSIRO's Food Program.
His research focuses on value capturing on food losses across the supply chain through food loss minimisation technologies and supply chain modelling or transformation into health or functional ingredients using conventional food processing or CSIRO platform technologies.
Over 20 years of service to the food industry in 7 countries. He sets direction for funding and creation of a science research programs with strategic environmental and regional development bottom lines through technology and supply chain innovation.
He leads and provides oversight to multidisciplinary projects on emerging food processing technologies and redesign and optimisation of food supply chains. In particular, he led the creation and commercialisation of unprecedented technology for food waste recovery.
He is the CSIRO representative on the National Food Waste Strategy and Implementation steering committee together with industry peak bodies.
He obtained his PhD in Food Engineering at Washington State University in the USA and a Master of Business Administration at Deakin University in Australia. Pablo was with Nestlé Uruguay in the role of Quality Assurance Manager and as Research Manager with a major dairy exporter in Uruguay.
He is currently the President of the Australian Food Engineers Association and Member at Large in the International Division of the USA Institute of Food Technologists. He also holds advisory positions in Master and PhD programs at various international universities and sits in various international editorial boards.
Luis Felipe Gutiérrez Álvarez
Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, donde presta sus servicios de investigación y docencia en el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (ICTA) desde el año 2008.
Es Ingeniero Químico de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Manizales, especializado en Ingeniería de Procesos de Alimentos y Biomateriales, y realizó sus estudios de Maestría en Ingeniería de Alimentos y Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos en la Universidad Laval, Canadá.
Es el líder del Grupo de Investigación en Biomoléculas Alimentarias, cuyas líneas de investigación incluyen el desarrollo e implementación de procesos para la extracción, purificación e identificación de biomoléculas alimentarias, y sus posibles aplicaciones en las industrias alimentaria y farmacéutica; el diseño de procesos para la valorización de subproductos de la industria de alimentos; y el desarrollo de alimentos funcionales y nutracéuticos.
Es autor de 27 publicaciones en revistas SCI (índice h de 12, Scopus), y ha presentado resultados de sus investigaciones en 41 congresos internacionales. Ha dirigido 18 trabajos de maestría, dos estancias posdoctorales y dos tesis doctorales en curso. Es evaluador de proyectos para diferentes organismos públicos y revisor de varias revistas internacionales. Ha participado en Tribunales de Tesis Doctorales y de Maestría.
Actualmente es el investigador principal de los proyectos “Valorización de subproductos del proceso de beneficio del cacao del Departamento de Nariño mediante la aplicación de tecnologías emergentes”, y “Investigación, desarrollo, innovación y transferencia de conocimiento para el procesamiento de la semilla de Sacha Inchi en productos de valor agregado, como estrategia para mejorar la productividad del sector agroindustrial de la región Cundinamarca”.