1. After an analysis of the articles presented at the event, the Editorial Committee of each journal will make an individual invitation to the authors to send and / or publish their work.
2. If the author decides, he will send his article to the journal according to the instructions indicated in the invitation email.
3. Articles received will be sent for peer review.
4. Based on the opinion of the reviewers, it is returned to the authors to send an improved version.
5. In the best-case scenario, the article is accepted and sent for layout.
6. Accepted articles are sent to the authors for compliance, before publication.
7. Articles are published.
Fixed deadlines will be established for each stage, in such a way that within a maximum of 3 months after the event, the articles sent and accepted are published.
In step 1 (invitation), the authors will be informed of the conditions and procedures for publishing in the inviting journal. It is the authority of the invited authors to send or not their article.