Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia



Since 2012 in the first IICTA version, Larkin started as an official sponsor of the research award. Larkin believes in the importance of promoting and fostering good research, faithfully that he is the pillar of a new society, of a new country and that is why he will continue to support them for many years to come.

For IICTA 2021, the following will be awarded:

  • Oral presentation
  • Poster presentation

Previous Awards

In 2018 Larkin awarded for the third time to the best research works in the scientific and technological fields in the food industry.

The winners were the following:

  • First Oral Award: “Control of cachama blanca (piaractus brachypomus) degradation employing addible chitosan coatings with microencapsulated extracts of propolis”, David Guillermo Piedrahita de la Universidad Nacional de Bogotá.
  • Second Oral Award: “Caracterización antibacteriana y porfológica de una lámina de bioplástica basada en almidón de yuca”, Diana Paola Navia de la Universidad de San Buenaventura.
  • Third Oral Award: “Inhibición del agente causal Antracnosis en mango por cepas de Trichoderma”, José Luis Martinez de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila.
  • First Poster Award: “Influencia de condiciones de almacenamiento sobre la calidad de dos variedades de papa nativa”, Luis Fernando Valencia de la Universidad de Nariño.
